Thursday, January 7, 2010

Facing parents of preschoolers

The ultimate goals that parents have for their preschoolers are the immediate goals they have for themselves: self-control and self-sufficiency. It's important to parents to understand that they operate on a timetable that's different from their children's and each child's ability to learn is unique. This understanding helps parents use empthy, trust, and respect as the foundation for healthy family communication..
The number one task facing parents of preschoolers is teaching them appropriate behavior on a level they can understand. When dealing with their children's temper tantrums, for example, parents are not only attempting to restore calm and order to their household, they're also trying to teach their children how to handle frustration and anger in a more appropriate way. Parents must model the kind of behavior they want to teach. They must also communicate their value in ways that make the values as important for their children as they are for themselves.
At the same time, children have their own needs, desires, and feelings, most of which they cannot articulate very well. Throuhout their first five years, they struggle to become independent human beings and rebel against being raised by older people.
This should not be especially surprising. parents and their preschoolers are usually at least twenty years apart in age and light-years apart in experience, reasoning ability, and the capacity of self-control.